In 2022, the Town was awarded $442,000 in Community Development Block Grant Neighborhood Revitalization Program (CDGB-NR) funds for the rehabilitation and replacement of residences for lower-income homeowner households. The CDBG-NR program is administered by the North Carolina Department of Commerce Rural Economic Development Division.
- Applications open
- Application acceptance
- Existing conditions assessment and environmental review
- Rehabilitation and construction
Since the grant funds were awarded, the Town has identified three residential structures that are in need of repair and reconstruction. Construction and rehabilitation is anticipated to begin in January 2025. Further aspects of this grant include providing residents with educational resources and workshops related to the Fair Housing Act. If you believe you are a victim of housing discrimination, please visit the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Legal Aid of North Carolina's housing discrimination resources located in the 'Related Links' column on the left of the page. For more information about the CDBG program, please contact Kate Fersinger at kfersinger@townofleland.com.