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Leland Resilient Routes

Sturgeon Creek

The Town of Leland has been awarded funding through the North Carolina Emergency Management Transportation Infrastructure Resiliency Fund (TIRF) from the N.C. Department of Public Safety. The money will fund the Leland Resilient Routes Project to identify critical routes within and surrounding Town limits. The routes will be analyzed to determine their resiliency to coastal hazards such as flooding and storm surge. For routes that prove vulnerable to coastal hazards, potential solutions will be identified.

Moffat & Nichol, Inc.

Engineering and Design

ESP Associates, Inc.


Project Updates

Final Report
Monday, July 01, 2024

The Engineering Team is compiling the Final Report and all final documents for the Town. A presentation on the final report is slated for August 15, 2024 Town Council Meeting. A copy of the final report will be shared with all stakeholders.

Survey Crews
Monday, April 29, 2024

Survey crews from ESP Associates will be out the week of April 29, 2024 to field survey Site # 3 Orchard Loop Road and Lanvale Road.  Crews will be gathering data for the Engineer to develop design plans and flood mitigation to the area.

Design Update
Tuesday, March 05, 2024

Design is currently underway on the top five identified critical routes and project locations.  The Engineer Teams will be modeling and developing a conceptual design plans for future resiliency projects.

Stakeholder Meeting
Friday, December 01, 2023

A virtual Stakeholder meeting for the Leland Resilient Routes project was held on Friday, December 1, 2023 to review the critical routes analysis and identification of potential project locations.  Over the next several months, the Engineer will be modeling, and providing conceptual design plans of the top 5 critical route project locations.

Identification of Routes
Friday, October 06, 2023

2D Modeling and identification of potential 22 project locations has been completed. The Engineer will present these finding and gather stakeholder input to narrow the potential project locations down to five.

Kick-Off Meeting
Tuesday, January 17, 2023

A kick-off meeting for the Leland Resilient Routes project was held on Tuesday January 17. Over the next month, the engineer will be compiling existing critical assets and infrastructure data to identify critical routes throughout and surrounding Town limits.

Notice to Proceed
Monday, December 19, 2022

Town Council approved the proposal and selection of Moffat & Nichol, Inc. as the designer on the project.

Advertisement of Project
Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The RFQ has been advertised for the design services of the Leland Resilient Routes project. All submittals must be received by 3:00 PM on October 11, 2022.

Notice of Grant Award
Monday, June 13, 2022

The Town was selected for TIRF funding.

Project Documents

Flood Vulnerability Matrix
Categorical Ranking for Roadway Flood Vulnerability Analysis
Potential Project Locations
Potential Project Locations Identified by Top Ranking Vulnerability Scores
Final Report
Leland Resilient Routes Final Report