A project to improve the gravel roads of Breman Lane, John Sneed Lane, Graham Drive, and Appleton Way. The scope of the project includes paving the dirt roads, drainage improvements, curb and gutter, new sidewalks, and installing new signs. The project will improve safety of these roadways, provide safer multimodal facilities by providing sidewalks for nonmotorized travel, increase access to roadways, and allow greater connectivity to parks and multi-use paths.
Engineering and Design
Construction Contractor
Project Updates
McGill Associates will have their Environmental Specialist out in the field next week to look at each gravel roadway and gather information for the Environmental Review. Their work will be sent to the State for formal review.
With the award of the FY2024 Community Project Funding, Town Staff is working with the Engineer to conduct an Environmental Review for each gravel road. The Environmental Review is an analysis of impacts of the project on the surrounding environment and will be reviewed by the State Historic Preservation Office, Fish & Wildlife, and other state environmental authorities.
The Town was selected for FY2024 Community Project Funding through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the survey, design, and construction of the improvements on the four gravel roads of John Sneed Lane, Breman Lane, Graham Drive, and Appleton Way.
The geotechnical inspection and field data have been completed. The Engineer will be reviewing and developing preliminary design plans for the roadway improvements along John Sneed Lane over the next several months.
ECS Southeast will have crews out starting the week of January 15, 2024 to perform the geotechnical inspection along John Sneed Lane. Their work will be sent to the engineer for review and recommendation for street pavement structure design and specifications.
The Town has brought onboard McGill Associates to provide Preliminary and Geotechnical Engineering for the design of improvements.
The Town has budgeted for the design of John Sneed Lane and is working to bring on an Engineering Firm to begin the next phase of design for John Sneed only. Town Staff will continue to look into grant opportunities for all the unpaved roads.
The Town is pursuing several grant opportunities to fund the design and construction of the improvements for the four unpaved roads. Town Staff will be reaching out to residents to gather letters of support and additional feedback.
On March 1, 2023, Town Streets Crews repaired potholes along John Sneed Lane, graded the dirt road, and put down stone at the connection to Old Fayetteville Road.
Town Staff is working on bringing an Engineering Firm on to begin the next phase of design for the improvements on the unpaved roads.