Leland Town Council adopted the 2030 Strategic Plan at its regular meeting on Oct. 17. The plan will guide elected officials and staff as they work to allocate resources, meet goals, and ensure alignment with the defined Vision over the next five years.
The following Vision statement defines the future aspirations for the Town: Leland is a vibrant, safe, inviting, and resilient Town with exceptional services that support a diverse community.
The following Mission statement ensures Council and staff have well defined roles as they pursue the Vision: We serve our community with ethics, integrity, and transparency while providing efficient, effective, and fiscally responsible municipal services through a commitment to excellence and our core values.
After setting the Vision, Mission, and affirming the Core Values of Supportive Work Environment, Respect, Service Excellence, Communication, and Engagement, Council identified the following five Strategic Priority Areas that serve as the foundation for setting goals and objectives across all levels of the organization:
- Safe Community
- Resilient, High-Quality Infrastructure and Environment
- Communication and Engagement
- Organizational Excellence
- Business and Neighborhood Enhancement
Each Strategic Priority Area is accompanied by specific goals, objectives, and strategic initiatives that will allow Council and staff to track and drive progress.
“The newly adopted 2030 Strategic Plan is a pivotal step forward for our community. I am excited to have this guiding document as we continue to grow and improve,” Mayor Brenda Bozeman said. “It will ensure that we remain focused on sustainable development, enhancing the quality of life for our residents, and staying true to our core values. This plan provides a clear vision for our future, and I look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have on our Town.”
The strategic planning process started in June and involved extensive input from Council, staff, and the community, including a Council public meeting retreat, staff leadership retreat, and community and staff surveys.