A project to improve the intersection at Ocean Gate Plaza and New Pointe Boulevard.
Engineering and Design
Construction Contractor
Project Updates
The Engineer is updating the Final Plans for the intersection improvements. Completion of the design plans is anticipated for Summer 2024.
Town Staff and the Engineer are working on final design plans and permitting for the project. Design and permitting are anticipated to be completed Summer/Fall 2024.
The Developer of Lowes Home Improvements has completed construction on a roundabout at Gateway Blvd and Ocean Gate Plaza. The roundabout will improvement the intersection and decrease traffic congestion with the commercial development. The Town will use the design to connect and improve the intersection at New Pointe Blvd and Ocean Gate Plaza to install a single-lane teardrop roundabout that will fully complete the road improvements. Preliminary Design plans for the improvements are completed and the Town is working on permitting and final design plans.
Preliminary Design Plans for the teardrop roundabout have been updated.
Pending the rain today, Geotechnical crews from Cape Fear Engineering will be back out on Ocean Gate Plaza and New Pointe Blvd this afternoon. Monday day is the back up plan if rain continues all day. Crews will be working out along the edge of pavement to drill and take pavement core samples. Please use caution while driving in the area where crews are present.
Geotechnical crews from Cape Fear Engineering will be out on Ocean Gate Plaza and New Pointe Blvd this afternoon Thursday, April 13, 2023, to drill and take pavement core samples. Work will take a half day and crews will be testing along the edge of pavement to minimize any traffic hazards. Please use caution while driving in the area.
Cape Fear Engineering will have crews out in the coming weeks to perform the geotechnical inspection along Ocean Gate Plaza and New Pointe Blvd. Their work will be sent to the engineer for review and will provide recommendations for pavement and design considerations.
All comments from the Preliminary Plan review have been provided to the Engineer. Next steps are for the Engineer to make changes and provide updated plans to the Town to begin the Right of Way and Permitting phases of the project.
Preliminary Design Plans are complete and have been submitted to the Town’s Technical Review Committee for review and comments. Next steps are to compile all comments and provide those to the Engineer.
Preliminary Design Plans for the improvements along Ocean Gate Plaza and New Pointe Blvd are expected to be completed the end of January 2023. Plans will be submitted to the Town’s Technical Review Committee for review and comments. Town Staff will work closely with the Engineer as we move forward in the design phase for the project.