The Town of Leland has been awarded a $1 million Disaster Relief and Mitigation Fund grant from North Carolina Emergency Management to fund the replacement of the existing undersized cross pipe on Old Fayetteville Road near Scorpion Drive with a larger, reinforced box culvert to prevent future flooding on a critical route in Leland.
Engineering and Design
Construction Contractor
Project Updates
The Town of Leland has selected Exult Engineering, PC as the Engineering Firm to design the improvements for the culvert replacement.
The Town of Leland, North Carolina invites qualified firms to submit a qualification proposal in accordance with North Carolina Statutes to provide professional engineering and design consulting services associated with the preliminary engineering, right of way acquisition, advertisement and bidding, and preparation of the final design construction documents of the North Carolina Department of Public Safety and the North Carolina Emergency Management Disaster Relief and Mitigation Grant program Old Fayetteville Road Culvert Replacement project. The RFQ document can be found at https://www.townofleland.com/rfps-rfqs. The Town will receive written responses to this RFQ through Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2024, at 3 p.m.
The Town of Leland has been awarded a $1 million Disaster Relief and Mitigation Fund grant from North Carolina Emergency Management. This funding will assist with the Old Fayetteville Road Culvert Replacement Project to prevent future flooding on a critical route in Leland.
This project will replace the existing undersized cross pipe on Old Fayetteville Road near Scorpion Drive with a larger, reinforced box culvert. The culvert and roadway were damaged during Hurricane Florence, blocking access to North Brunswick High School, which served as a designated emergency shelter.
Leland Resilient Routes, a grant-funded project to identify critical routes within and surrounding Town limits, ranked this as the one of the highest priority transportation projects.
“Receiving this grant is a significant milestone for the Town of Leland,” Mayor Brenda Bozeman said. “This project is vital for ensuring safe access during emergencies and enhancing our resilience against flooding, as highlighted by the impacts of Hurricane Florence.”
NCDOT owns and maintains Old Fayetteville Road and has indicated support for the Town’s efforts to design and construct the replacement culvert.
With this grant funding, the Town expects to move forward with design this fall and begin construction late next year.
Disaster Relief and Mitigation Fund grants are awarded for flood mitigation efforts that stabilize areas and reduce future damage for small and underserved communities. Learn more about the Disaster Relief and Mitigation Fund.